Why You Should Incorporate Fluoride into Your Child’s Dental Routine

Why You Should Incorporate Fluoride into Your Child’s Dental Routine

Fluoride is extremely important for anyone of any age to use for the sake of their oral health. Children are no exception to this, and should use fluoride early on to instill it as a lifelong habit.

Fluoride occurs naturally in water, but drinking water alone is simply not enough to keep children’s teeth as healthy as they can possibly be.

Sure, baby teeth will fall out, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be properly cared for while they’re there.

The purpose of baby teeth

What you may not know about baby teeth is that they are nature’s braces. They hold the spots for the larger, permanent teeth that will eventually come in, according to ADA dentist, Dr. Maria Lopez-Howell. ( source ) Your child will only have about 20 baby teeth, but around 32 permanent teeth as their jaw grows along with them. ( source )

The importance of fluoride in your child’s dental routine

Fluoride, both in toothpaste and mouthwash form, helps to keep those “natural braces” healthy and strong so that big-kid teeth will then grow into already-healthy sockets.

Kids that don’t get enough fluoride are at a greater risk for tooth decay. Fluoride serves as a protector for tooth enamel to prevent this from happening, and also helps to reinforce current tooth enamel. ( source )

Good habits start early

As your child grows, they will understand how important it is to take care of their teeth, after seeing how meticulous you are with them. Show them what you look for when you’re in the store shopping for their toothpaste, and tell them why you’re making sure it contains fluoride.

By making sure your child has enough fluoride in their routine, you’re setting them up for good lifelong dental hygiene habits!